
Making a simple xml tree out of the given data and using

Part 1: Making a simple XML tree out of the given data and using Xpath to navigate through it?


I Compute, Therefore I am
- Philbert von Cookie
- Alice Brockman
- Pedro Smith
Found in journal:
- name: Journal of Computational Metaphysics
- volume: 3
- issue: 7
- published: 04/11/2006
- found on pages: 42-49

Instruction Sets: Free Will?
- Sally Piper
- Philbert von Cookie
Found in journal:
- name: Journal of Computational Metaphysics
- volume: 1
- issue: 2
- published: 05/25/2002
- found on pages: 356-360

My Journey
- Lawrence Yinglefoo
Found in journal:
- name: Marvelous Markup Magic
- volume: 3
- issue: 9
- published: 11/12/1999

RDF Triples and the Path to Human Subjugation
- Allison Peony
- Robert Zephyr
- Sally Piper
Found in journal:
- name: Journal of Nefarious Artificial Intelligence
- published: 05/25/2006
- url: https://example.com/rdf-triples-subjugation

Marksideways, a Markdown Alternative
- Gerald Quinoa
- P. von Cookie
Found in journal:
- name: Marvelous Markup Magic
- volume: 13
- issue: 3
- published: 03/14/2013
- url: https://example.com/marksidways

Hill Climbing: World Domination through Heuristics
- Robert Zephyr
- Leonard Powers
Found in journal:
- name: Journal of Nefarious Artificial Intelligence
- published: 05/25/2011
- url: https://example.com/hill-climbing

Part 2: Xpath

Write an XPath expression that can be used to find each of the following in the document you created for part 1. Submit the expressions as a text document (not word, or RTF or HTML, etc). It may be necessary to modify your document slightly to accomodate some of these searches. That is ok, but only submit the final version of the document.

1. All articles authored by Philbert von Cookie. Note that Philbert has articles under "P. von Cookie" and "Philbert von Cookie".
2. All articles found in volume 3 of any journal
3. The first article in the Journal of Computational Metaphysics.
4. All articles published in the year 2006.
5. All articles that specify a URL.

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