
Making a judgment or pronouncement

Assignment task:

Rosenstand explained moralizing as the act of making a judgment or pronouncement about what is morally right or wrong without sufficient examination or discussion.  Rosenstand goes on to explain repudiation as decline, refuse, and reject. While all these words mean to turn away by not accepting, receiving, or considering repudiate implies casting off or disowning as untrue, unauthorized, or unworthy of acceptance. He also felt if you judge other people's moral decisions acting as if you're an expert on what's right or wrong, you are engaging in moralization of the most annoying kind. Summers says the act of refusing to accept something or someone as true, good, or reasonable shows a lack of virtue. She goes on to say that virtue ethics involves more than just social policy, but a lot of it entails private mortality. While it is essential to focus on social morality, like capital punishment, euthanasia, transplant surgery, and abortion, there is very little focus on selfishness, hypocrisy, and cruelty among others. Summers emphasizes the importance of certain character traits, such as decency, civility, and honesty, as being universally good and necessary for a moral life.

Angst is described as a feeling of anxiety and frustration that isn't specific. People often feel angst about the state of the world, or about the state of their homework. Angst is anxiety that is mixed with frustration and negativity. Angst often doesn't have a specific target people angst in general. Then Kierkegaard goes on to say guilt belongs to the ethical life, and one never does one's duty perfectly. The ethical person lives to serve others. Ethics is the second stage of Kierkegaard views on moral behavior, where a person lives life based on rules, rather than pursuing bliss, he pursues the greater good. Rather than chasing blindly after pleasure, he considers how his actions affect others. When you live according to universal moral principles you live an ethical. Heidegger on the over hand says one must understand self-first and then when you can achieve solidarity with others. Philosophy of care-the enactment of care in positive ways that nurture and care for others and the world. Sartre then says that man must create his values for himself because there are no prior values. He also says that one must accept responsibility for everything he does. Man's fundamental choices constitute his moral standards, which are neither wrong nor right. Man himself will create his essence and thus will be responsible for actions there is no necessity for the existence of God. With that said my views are capture by Kierkegaard in his views on living an ethical life. I do try to do things that help or uplift others. I pick and choose words carefully before speaking and I give the person asking my opinion the to explain and tell me there views first, We must uplift as much as we can, because there is so much negativity out in the world already.

Feminism has been the topic of conversation in all the major countries in the world. Men try to decide the plight of women without the consent or approval of women. Classical feminism focus on the absolute equality of men and women under law. Which is what most people in our society seek to follow. Then differences feminism is to describe the view that men and women are different, but that no value judgement can be placed upon them, and both sexes have a moral status as persons with equal privileges and responsibilities. Radical feminism is the call for society in which male supremacy and racism is eliminated in social and economic context, while recognizing that women's experiences are also affected by other social divisions such as in race, class, and sexual orientation. Feminist ethics is a big part of the society today. We are in a big dilemma and equal pay in the workplace and reproductive rights. Both of these topics are being tried in the courts in many of our major cities and feminists are at the forefront leading the way for equality for all.

Carol Gilligan's "In a Different Voice", focused on sex differences in moral reasoning, the perception of violence, the resolution of sexual dilemmas and abortion decisions, while women come to prioritize an ethics of care as their sense of morality evolves along with their sense of self while men prioritize an " ethics of justice". Her views are very similar to Emmanuel Levitra's in that they both emphasize the importance of relationships and the care of others within their community. Gilligans views are different from Levitra, because she focuses more on the different ways women and men view morals. She says men see morals as any that gets them satisfaction and growth in their area. Women see morals as making sure they make ethical decisions that do not hurt or harm anyone, they are not really into self-gratification like men. Men are selfish and seek to do things that do not cause them grief or that make them uncomfortable. Women try hard not to make waves, so they take a back seat to many things to uplift their man.  

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