Make the case as to whether the key input factors in the

BACKGROUND: Each of the diagnostic models present a particular strengths and weaknesses. The Nadler-Tushman Congruence Model is particularly strong in terms of Inputs. Analyze the Key Inputs of Deckers Outdoor Corporation. Citations and references must be in APA format.

You see that there are four input categories:

Environment (factors external to the organization)
Resources (factors internal to the organization)
Organizational history (Persistent Traditiona)
Strategy (goals, objectives and strategic initiatives)

The Key Factors in the first three input categories should support and integrate with the Strategy Input factor.

REQUIRED READING: The article by Nadler and Tushman will tell you how to go about completing an analysis of Key Inputs. Make an argument for a Claim about the specific situation in the Case assignment. Stephen Toulmin has developed an Argument Methodology that is very useful in Making a Case.

CASE ASSIGNMENT: Make a Case for one of the following propositions: The inputs at Deckers Outdoor Corporation consisting of Organizational Environment factors, Internal Resource factors, and Historical Tradition factors, [highly support, partially support, or do not support] the company's mission. (Choose the level at which the Strategy is supported by the other factors.)

Case Expectations: In order to make this case, identify the Key Input factors in the first three categories. Identify the specific strategy of the company.

1) Identify and discuss the Key Input factors from each of the four input categories (at least two each).

2) Explain why these are critical (consider the strategy and how important each one is in providing support)

3) Make the case as to whether the Key Input factors in the first three categories support the Strategy (classify the strategy according to Porter's three generic competitive strategies).

All, Citations and references must be in APA format.

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