Usability in the DVD Program
Add the following functionality to the DVD program created in this chapter. Make sure that each function works before proceeding to the next. Include as many functions as directed by your instructor.
a. When a user attempts to insert a new DVD, make the Cancel button that displays in the JOptionPane input box work properly
b. Test input data for a valid Year before adding it to the String array.
c. Give users a choice of fonts by inserting two more menu options on the Edit menu: one that says SansSerif and one that says Arial. Add functionality to the two items by using the setFontFamily() method.
d. Add a fourth array to the program with data about the director of the movie. You may need to increase the size of the content pane. Remember to add a new question to the Insert portion of the actionPerformed() method.
e. Reminder: The array must be sorted with each new entry.