
Make sure to pay attention both to themes that you expect


The goal of this assignment is to develop a preliminary qualitative codebook that can guide coding of the data on public health student eating practices in the Bronx - the focus group data. Your codebook will take the form of a table with the following column headers:

a) Theme
b) Short code name
c) Application notes
d) Sample quote(s) and their source (i.e. which focus group the quote came from).

An example codebook (an excerpt from a much longer codebook) appears on the next page.

We recommend using the following steps to develop your codebook:

• Read through the data, making note of themes and categories. Make sure to pay attention both to themes that you might expect and to themes that are more surprising.

• Draft a table with 10-15 themes. This list does not need to capture all of the themes, ideas, and categories in your project, but should either capture the most important themes (in your view), or a subset of the themes that are of particular interest to you.

• Use your data to populate the final column of your table ("Sample quote(s)"). As you work with the data, make any changes or clarifications to the themes, code names, and application notes to help ensure that the codes can be systematically applied to the data by your hypothetical team.

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