Writing instructions is one of the most common (and most important) uses of technical writing. What is an instruction manual? It is manual usually accompanying a device/item and explaining how to install or operate it.
For your final problem in this class, you will compose an instruction manual based on a topic of your choice ( economics and stock). Your manual should be a minimum of six pages (including graphics) and no more than ten pages (including graphics). You should include at least one warning box and a minimum of four graphics. Graphics must be related to a step in your instructions.
1. Make sure you provide real instructions - explanations of how to build, operate, or repair something.
2. Write a good introduction in which you indicate the procedure to be explained, indicate the audience requirements (i.e. equipment, supplies), and provide an overview of the contents
3. Write each step in the instructions beginning with a verb. (As I have done in this list, for example.)
4. Make sure that you use the various types of lists whenever appropriate. For sequential steps, you might use vertical, numbered lists.
5. Use headings to mark off all the main sections and subheadings for subsections. (Remember that you do not need an "Introduction" heading.)
6. Make sure you use the same style and format throughout the document.
7. Use graphics to illustrate each step. This could be a photo, drawing, or sketch. Make sure it's large enough for the user to see exactly what's happening.
8. Avoid expressing opinions, preferences or choices. Instructions are not about what might happen or what you prefer. Instructions are factual statements about a performed action.
9. Make sure it is original in your own wording.
Remember: Instructions can be considered legal documents. People follow them and trust that they will not be harmed or killed. It is your job to clearly explain any hazards or dangers involved with the process you are explaining. Include any warnings or dangers clearly at the top, especially for chemicals, machinery, biological hazards, or environmental hazards.