
Make piece visually appealing as this is going into magazine


Your job is to make a poetic form that we have looked at and write on a social issue going on in the world. This could be anything you want to do about but your passion should flow through your writing.

What you need:

I. Include 5 (different) literary devices from the handout in the poem

II. Also make the piece visually appealing as this is going into a magazine. Will you add certain colours in the background with your poem in the centre? Will you have symbols around your page that represent the social issue? This can be anything. Be creative and try new things

III. Make a reflection paragraph on the overall message/ story of your poem, why you chose to Communicate about this and highlighting the devices you used/ how it added meaning to your writing.

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English: Make piece visually appealing as this is going into magazine
Reference No:- TGS03356800

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