
Make decisions on interest rates for the 16 quarters

Discussion 1:  Principles of Economics

 "Elasticity" Please respond to the following:

  • Identify two (2) elastic and two (2) inelastic goods that you have purchased in the last month and explain the main reason why you identified them as such.

Discussion 2: Principles of Finance, Please respond to the following:

  • Go to https://sffed-education.org/chairman. Use the Learn More button and review the tight (contractionary) and easy (expansionary) tools of the Fed as well as the use of each. Briefly examine the Economic Dictionary and the Policy in Depth features.
  • Now play the game! You are the Fed Chairperson! You begin with 16 quarters, 4 years, then your job is up for review. You begin with rates at 4.5, inflation at 2.14% and unemployment at 4.75%.
  • Make decisions on interest rates for the 16 quarters. Summarize the changes you chose and explain your results. Do you still have a job? Why or why not?

Discussion 3: "Hacking Into Harvard", Please respond to the following:

  • Read Case: Hacking into Harvard, As applicants began to defend themselves against the penalties handed out by the business schools, they appealed to both consequential list and non consequential list criteria to support their actions. Some responded by pointing out that their intentions were never malicious, while others argued they did not think checking their application statuses would cause any real harm. Review the case study and analyze the actions of the students from a Kantian perspective. Consider whether the actions taken by the hackers were permissible according the standard of universal acceptability.

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Dissertation: Make decisions on interest rates for the 16 quarters
Reference No:- TGS01534918

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