
Make an energy audit to determine your current residential

(Clearly state/indicate all assumptions and references)

1. From any residential heating requirement in wintered country, make the required design of Water heating and Storage system that will satisfy the requirement including the space (roof, wall, or yard/lawn) where it can be install, cost and specification of each component (In table or spreadsheet). Make necessary assumption based on the actual specification of components (capacity, efficiency or losses, etc.) and resident location (solar radiation).

2. Based on your design cost, you will make the life cycle analysis based on present worth factor and life cycle savings method, and make a reaction paper compared to the present water heating consumption/cost.

3. Make an Energy audit to determine your current residential load and peak electrical energy requirement (Present in table or spreadsheet as in part 2).

4. From your computed/estimated data in 1, design a PV and Storage system that will satisfy the requirement with consideration on the space (roof, wall, or yard/lawn) where it can be install, cost and specification of each component (In table or spreadsheet). Make necessary assumption based on the actual specification of components (capacity, efficiency or losses, etc.) and resident location (solar radiation).

5. Based on your system design and cost, make a life cycle analysis based on present worth factor and life cycle savings method, and make a reaction paper compared to your present energy consumption/cost.

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Dissertation: Make an energy audit to determine your current residential
Reference No:- TGS02159177

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