
.make an argument about one of the following

.Make an argument about one of the following topics:

1. The magical elements in Bloom. by
Kelly Ana Morey

Weighting 40% Argument and Structure (35% as a letter grade) Written Presentation (5% as a mark out of 5)
o Accuracy of quotations (1)
o Paragraph formatting, grammar and spelling (2)
o Works Cited formatting (2)
Further Tips and Information for Assignment 4
1. This assignment is essentially a slightly more demanding version of the exercise you conducted for Assignment 2. You’re again being asked to make an argument about the significance of certain thematic aspects of a literary text. Those thematic aspects have been mentioned in the Study Guide, but there is plenty more to say on each subject.
2. Each question is deliberately short and simple, and presents you with one or two key terms or concepts that relate in some way to the chosen text. It is up to you to think as creatively and deeply as you can about those key terms: what aspects of the text they might encompass, what you might want to say about them, and why you think they’re important. Remember, while you need to start off by simply identifying relevant aspects of the text, you need to ultimately go beyond just giving a list of textual features and develop an argument about their significance and about how focusing on them might help put the novel as a whole in a new light.
3. At 2,000 words in length, the essay will require you to put a lot of thought into how you construct it so that you stay focused throughout. It is worth as much as an exam, so I would suggest you don’t put it off in favour of studying for your exams, but balance the time you spend on it with the time you devote to revising for other subjects.
4. Refer also to the guidelines for previous assignments for tips about structure and referencing.

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