
Make a table showing temperature as a function of pressure

Thermodynamic steam data are traditionally presented in tables. However, there are empirical equations relating saturation temperature, pressure, enthalpy, etc. One of these equations is:
Saturation temperature, degrees F, given saturation pressure, in psia. Tsat = 8576.65/(15.47538 - ln(Psat)) - 459.216 - 0.023719Psat + (0.84219e-4)Psat2 - (0.70854e-7)Psat3 Note that 0.84219e-4 = 0.84219 x 10-4.
Make a table showing Temperature as a function of pressure for Psat from 20 to 600 psia every 20 psi, and another table showing pressure as a function of temperature from 150 degrees to 350 degrees every 20 degrees.

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Electrical Engineering: Make a table showing temperature as a function of pressure
Reference No:- TGS0562667

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