
Make a report for the board of directors

Assignment task:

Make a report for the board of directors. You have flexibility on how the report is designed. Adding graphs, charts, or dashboards is acceptable. The case is The Middleboro Casebook Jasper Gardens below

To: MGT 705 Consulting Services, Inc.

From: Jefferson Partners LLC

Re: Jasper Gardens Nursing Home

Our administrator, Jane Winters, has informed us that you are doing some tremendous work in the Middleboro community and has recommended you to us for a short project. I can only imagine how exhaustive your prior projects have been and the difficult time deadlines you have been operating under. Our hope is that you will enjoy this project and we are sure that you will continue your thoroughness that you have provided the other clients.

As you are aware our nursing homes operate on a narrow margin and we are looking to expand revenue sources. Currently, patients in Jasper in need of ambulatory rehabilitation services must travel to either Capital City or Middleboro. We believe that we have the capacity to expand these services at our Jasper Gardens Nursing Home. Specifically, we would like you to estimate and report our current service capacity. Given available staff, are we able to provide additional services, such as services to the community residents? Indicate the process we should use to estimate potential demand for ambulatory rehabilitation services. How should we market these services? (Please include all assumptions)

In light of the new interstate exchange we would also like to explore the opportunities in expanding our campus to include an assisted living facility and retirement housing. Can you provide us with a one page white paper on the current trends regarding these types of facilities.

What is the demand for these services based on our population? Are there national studies or norms suggesting the types of facilities and services they should include? What should we consider doing and why? (Note: in your presentation please show us some of these. We have heard that Brookdale, aka North Park Place, in Sioux City Iowa is a very successful model.) Our recent state review came back with no deficiencies, however, we have seen a few concerting trends with our quality data that need further review. What are the primary quality challenges and issues you see from our data? What should be done and why to either further research and or monitor the situation or correct the deficiencies? Please provide us with a comprehensive plan.

Lastly, our management remains very concerned about potential union activity and has asked for the development of a training program to initiate with all supervisors before the end of the year. Please outline a plan, including all the necessary aspect needed and how we should best proceed with training?

Thank you very much for your services and we look forward to your report.

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Other Management: Make a report for the board of directors
Reference No:- TGS03427302

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