Assignment task:
Make a plan for your professional growth as a future leader or supervisor in the field of early childhood.
First, identify three areas where you need professional growth. Explain why each is an area of need, discuss how you can meet this need, and then identify some possible resources for achieving each goal. These goals can take many forms, including fulfilling the requirements for a Child Development Permit from the State of California, learning more about licensing requirements, or completing an online module on challenging behavior; the nature of the goal should be based on your needs.
Similarly, the resources you identify to meet the goal can also be varied, from reading a book, to taking a class, to completing one of the excellent online modules for early educators. Below you will find a list of websites that contain excellent, research-based resources for professional development, I highly encourage you to use these as resources for this assignment (and keep for use in the future for your ongoing professional development!).