Final Project
The topic for your Final Project can be anything covered in course. Choose something that really interested you, something you would like to explore more fully, orsomething you might like to debate in class
The product of your Final Project is up to you. You can write a paper, create a narrated PowerPoint or produce some other product that demonstrates your understanding of thesubject you selected. Whatever option you choose, you must have at least three (3)properly cited references.
Write a Research Paper
Create a Narrated PowerPoint.
Other: Come up with any presentation method you like, but you MUSTconnect with your instructor to get approval. Some options to consider are Prezi, webcast, formal outline, audio recording, infographic, etc.
Instructions for each project option:
Write a Research Paper
Your assignment should be 4-5 pages long (excluding cover page, attachments, etc.),double-spaced, using 12-point font and 1-inch margins.