Make a GraduationCandidate class. Include fields for a GraduationCandidate ID number, and last and first names. Also include bit fields that indicate the following:
- Has the GraduationCandidate completed 120 credit hours?
- Has the GraduationCandidate completed 45 hours in his or her major?
- Has the GraduationCandidate paid all campus parking and traffic tickets?
- Has the GraduationCandidate paid all library fines?
- Has the GraduationCandidate paid all technology fees?
- Has the GraduationCandidate paid all graduation fees?
The class includes appropriate functions to set and display all the fields. When you display a GraduationCandidate, include a decision as to whether the GraduationCandidate can graduate. Make a main() function that instantiates several GraduationCandidate objects, and demonstrate that your functions work correctly. Save the file as GraduationCandidates.cpp.