For this exam you will be creating functions and scripts in Scilab. You will turn in the Scilab files to Moodie for grading or by giving the instructor a co of the files before leavin so that oucan get credit for the exam. Also, turn in this document with your name as evidence that you were present for the exam.
Note: This work is to be done by you. DO NOT search the web for answers or ask your neighbor for help. Any evidence of cheating will result in a zero for the exam.
Part I
Make a function that will calculate the Pressure [psi] given the Specific Gravity, Depth, and the acceleration of gravity. (Pay close attention to your units)
• function [Pressure] = Phydro (InputMatrix)
• The function will take in a matrix with 3 rows and any number of columns.
o Row 1 = Specific Gravity.
o Row 2 = Depth [m].
o Row 3 = gravity [m/s^2]
• The function will output a matrix with the resulting pressures in units of [psi]
Part II
Write a script in Scilab that will graph the Hydrostatic Pressure of four different liquids over a depth of zero to 20 meters on one graph.
• Use Earth's gravity of 9.8 [m/s^2] for this calculation.
• Remember to include the graph title, label x and y values (Don't use x-axis and axis), include units, and a legend.
• Graph the Hydrostatic pressure in units of [psi] of the four different Specific
Gravity values given below.
o Gasoline SG = 0.739
o Water SG = 1
o Glycerin SG = 1.26
o Iodine SG = 4.93.