
make a console application add class account

Make a console application. Add class 'Account' having variables as num (integer) name (String), bal (double), ac_code (byte). Describe four different constructors to initialize these variables. Describe a class 'User'deriving from 'account' class.  In user class add variables as group_no (int)and mail_id (string). Describe three constructors for User class and within them call dissimilar parameterized constructors of Account. Can we call these base class constructors as second or last statement in User constructors? Describe another class 'Admin'. Can the User class derive from both 'account' and 'Admin' classes? How to make Class Admin such that No class can derive from it? How to make Account class such that some methods will not be permitted to override ?

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Computer Engineering: make a console application add class account
Reference No:- TGS0212250

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