
Major relationships between planning and controlling


The Control Function

The lessons explored directing or leading as it applies to managers.  It must be understood that in definition, although directing and leading may be slightly different, the application references the same process and result via instructing, guiding, and overseeing of workers' performances to achieve specific goals and objectives.  It would be accurate to see this function as the fulcrum that holds all the functions and processes together because of the propensity of characteristics such as communication, decision making, etc., to cut across the reach of all management paradigms.

Move onto the next function, Control, and its role in the management process.  Control focuses on three major elements; namely, setting the standards (present state), measuring the actual/resultant performance (current/end state), and corrective/counter measures/actions.  It is very relevant for those that have spent much time in the military to be conversant with adage "we set the standard", for which this lesson could be appreciated in the light of the fact that there may be inference to the idea of being inherently the best and in the lead/control.  While you explore this topic through the supplied links and readings do try to envision your daily interactions with everyday task and try to identify the different attributes, and how they influenced the outcome both in positive and negative experiences. Be ready to be able to share your identified experience and lessons learned.

Controlling - (Scroll down to read about Organizing as part of the functions of management)

Theme One: How does a manager measure the success of a plan: the relationship between planning and controlling?


Balanced Scorecard Basics

Controlling as a Function of Management Free Principles of Management (video - 6:28 minutes)

Developing a capacity for organizational resilience through strategic human resource management

Controlling as a management function

Controlling Function of Management

Process of Controlling

Relationship Between Planning and Controlling

Planning and controlling

3 Major Relationships Between Planning and Controlling Functions of Management

Theme Two: Traditionally, theorists suggest that the managerial function of controlling should not be confused with control in the behavioral or manipulative sense. This function does not imply that managers should attempt to control or to manipulate the personalities, values, attitudes, or emotions of their employees.  Instead, this function of management concerns the manager's role in taking the necessary actions to ensure that work-related activities of employees are consistent with and contributing toward the accomplishment of the organizational and departmental objectives.

Note: This theme is one to challenge the 21st century manager.  How can managers be assured that work is performed when the employee may be 5,000 miles away?


The New Boundaries of the "Boundaryless" Company

How to Manage a Virtual Work Environment

Managing a Virtual Workplace

Five things every virtual manager should do



To complete the learning activities, please create a new thread for each theme and identify in the subject line the theme for which you are responding. Students are expected to post to each theme and to at least two other students (across all themes) by Sunday. In responding to both the learning activities and to other students, please be sure to use the course material using in-text citations and a reference list to cite the source used. Remember, an in-text citation cannot exist without having a corresponding reference list and a reference list cannot exist without having a corresponding in-text citation. Use of the course material using in-text citations and a reference list is always expected in the learning activities and good practice for the assignments in the course. To respond to Learning Activities, click on the blue hyperlink.

Activity 1

In this article as well as your reading this week the balanced score card is explained:

https://www.tutorialspoint.com/management_concepts/the_balanced_scorecard.htm .

One of the best tools a manager has is a balanced score card.  Remember our bowling alley manager from week 6? Create a balance score card for him and explain how the use of a balance score card could help him to measure and possibly improve his problem. Be sure to address how the score card approach fits in to the control function of management. Be specific and attempt to think through the manager's problem using the scorecard. How can it potentially fix the turn over problem he has in the branch?
(Just so you don't have to keep going back to week Six)

You are the manager of the northern branch of the Laurel City bowling alleys. The owner, Jill Espy, has 4 other bowling alleys around town. The average employee assigned to the concession stand of all the Laurel City bowling alleys lasts 3 years. However, in your branch the average employee lasts only 8 months. Jill is concerned about this huge discrepancy and wants to know your explanation for the difference and what you can do to correct the problem. Training new employees is costly to the company and this high turnover is costing her money that could be better spent elsewhere.

Activity 2

Traditionally theorists suggest that the managerial function of controlling should not be confused with control in the behavioral or manipulative sense. This function does not imply that managers should attempt to control or to manipulate the personalities, values, attitudes, or emotions of their employees. Instead, this function of management concerns the manager's role in taking necessary actions to ensure that the work-related activities of employees are consistent with and contributing toward the accomplishment of organizational and departmental objectives.

Research the idea of controlling from afar in the virtual organization on the Internet and answer the following question: How can a manager be assured or measure work that is performed when the employee may be 5,000 miles away? Be sure to consider the virtual and global organizations and how a manager would control and measure work from afar.

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Business Management: Major relationships between planning and controlling
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