Analyzing Arguments/Understanding Evaluation
Major Essay #1 is an evaluation of a published argument. Evaluation is the highest level of cognitive thinking in Bloom's Taxonomy and thus a very important skill to understand and use efficiently. This means that you will be evaluating whether or not the author's writing style/writing choices / argument techniques are effective.
The assignment in a nutshell: Write a rhetorical analysis of one of the articles below. Do you think he/she argues effectively? Do not respond to the topic itself. Whether you agree or disagree with the author on the topic does not matter.)
Assignment Description: In a 3-5 page (3 full pages minimum - Works Cited/Reference page does not count toward page length and neither does the APA cover page), double spaced paper you will write an in-depth critical rhetorical evaluation of one of the essays listed below:
Professor X "In the Basement of the Ivory Tower"
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