
Major elements required for your paper

Critique Outline
Below are the major elements required for your paper and the associated point value. Structure your paper according to the major headings below. If your research article is missing a subsection, you should still address it in your critique. For example, if your article does not discuss certain sources of measurement error you believe the authors might have encountered in a study, you should indicate and discuss this. 
Major Section Headings and Information to Include in Each

* Statement of the problem
* Source of the problem
* Significance of the problem
* Feasibility of the problem for study
* Scope of the literature review
* Theoretical context of the problem
* Hypotheses/research questions
* Variables of interest

* Description of the design
* Control of extraneous variables
* Assessing internal and external validity
* Sampling design
* Measurement instruments
* Reliability and validity of those instruments
* Sources of measurement error
* Ethical considerations

Data Analysis
* Data analysis procedures
* Presentation of results; Use of tables
* Interpretation of results

Communicating Findings
* Discussion of findings
* Limitations
* Alternative explanations
* Implications for the practitioner
* Implications for future research
It has to be on anxiety its a research article critique  

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Science: Major elements required for your paper
Reference No:- TGS049377

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