
Major design studio - arch7202 - design will be almost

Assessment 1 - Preliminary Design

Assessment 1 takes the form of a studio presentation and physical submission of work which documents the Preliminary Design for your selected building/s.

Based on your research and conceptual design testing undertaken in ARCH7201 in semester 1, key ideas are developed through preliminary design, including program, site and context, 2-dimentional and/or 3-dimentional planning strategies, formal configuration and the initial technological and technical implications on design including structural, construction and environment. Scaled drawings and physical models (digital and analogue) are required for this submission. While it is up to each student and studio to determine the appropriate drawings, models and scales required, a typical submission might include plans and sections at 1:200/1:100 scale and interior and exterior perspectives demonstrating materiality, narrative and experience. Initial technical drawings, including tectonic 1:50/1:20/1:10 sections or axonometric drawings, structural diagrams, environmental testing and diagrams would also be beneficial for this submission.

In particular, emphasis at this stage is given to developing the project through physical models and all students should develop and present highly crafted models to demonstrate design thinking and representation of their architecture. Liaising with the Fab Lab in terms of model craft, material and quality is essential.

Assessment 2 - Developed Design

Based on the Preliminary Design undertaken in Assessment 1, a developed set of drawings and models of your scheme is required to articulate the formal configuration in relation to the program and inhabitation, as well as the structural, constructional, tectonic and environmental integration. This stage requires you to develop your project to a technical level of detail, including tectonic development up to a minimum of 1:50 (and possibly including 1:20/1:10 and 1:5 details). To support this, this phase of the project will be supplemented by dedicated structural, technological and environmental tutorials.

In particular, emphasis at this stage is given to developing the project through physical models and all students should develop and present highly crafted models to demonstrate design thinking and representation of their architecture. Liaising with the Fab Lab in terms of model craft, material and quality is essential. Students are encouraged to use models to demonstrate the assemblage and tectonics of their architecture (i.e. 1:50 bay study models, etc)

By this stage, it will be likely your design will be almost complete, so students should consider this submission a draft final completion of their project (as assessment 3 deals predominantly with production and representation).

Assessment 3 - Final Design

Assessment 3 takes the form of a studio presentation which presents the Final Design for your selected building/s. This will be the completion of 9-months of research, testing, design development and graphical communication.

Based on the Developed Design undertaken in Assessment 2, a complete set of drawings and models of your scheme is required to articulate the formal configuration in relation to the program and inhabitation, as well as the structural, constructional, environmental and tectonic resolution. Particular focus at this stage will be given to the creativity and craft of final graphical and model representations.

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