
Major descriptive indicators or characteristics are

Urban Planning and Studies

The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize you with a developing country and a major issue or problem confronting the country. During the semester, we have covered various topics, each concerned with an integral aspect of the modern urban experience. Taken together these topics constitute the framework through which we can assess the effectiveness of a region in providing all components of the human ‘hierarchy of needs.' A successful urban area is one which works for all or most of its denizens. Successful areas are characterized by economic prosperity, egalitarianism, rule of law, opportunity and freedom from coercion.

This assignment is primarily analytic, though a portion of it will be descriptive. You will choose a developing country and describe it in terms of its demographic, political, economic, housing, infrastructure (i.e. water, energy, food) and public health characteristics. You may include geography, history, culture or other characteristics to provide a more thorough description of your country, but don't spend too much time on these ancillary details. For the analytic portion, you will focus on a specific problem in one of the areas described in the previous section. In addition to describing the problem, its causes and effects, you will discuss a policy solution to the problem. Irrespective of whether you have provided your own solution, or one from the literature, you must make a compelling argument for its effectiveness in addressing the problem or issue you have chosen. When picking a problem, please be as narrow or specific as possible. For example, discuss a specific aspect of economic development such as the dearth of local manufacturing; or, within the context of public health, discuss infant mortality due to malnutrition instead of overall high death rates.

Your paper will be a maximum of 6 pages long (1.5 spacing). You will use 1" margins and 12 pt font, preferably Times New Roman or Calibri. You can include figures, charts, tables and other non-narrative elements to make your case. Also citations should be provided in the text with a reference list at the end of the paper (use APA or MLA format for citations). complete writing assignments totaling a minimum of 2500 words. This requirement will be primarily satisfied through a short individual paper in which you will discuss a specific problem in a developing country employing the concepts articulated in class. Your 6 page (max) paper (1.5 or double spaced, 1" margin, 12 pt Times New Roman), replete with proper in-text citations (APA or other format), will be primarily analytic.


Major descriptive indicators or characteristics are included. The description is not only cross sectional but also historical (in other words, some sense of the history of your topic should be included). Redundant information is at a minimum. Figures, charts, tables, etc are not used as filler devices but complement the narrative section (and vice-versa). The description does not contain any glaring holes or obvious omissions.

Most of the major descriptive indicators or characteristics are included. The description is mostly cross sectional and there is little, if any, evidence of the historical evolution of your topic. There is some redundant information and the charts, tables, figures, etc. are presented in a disjointed manner (i.e. they do not flow with the text or are formatted poorly).

The descriptive section is cursory and appears hastily written. Important data or information has been omitted. The wrong terminology is used to describe a particular phenomenon. Few , if any, tables, charts, figures, etc. are included and those that appear are vaguely connected to the topic being described. The section contains significant redundancies. The section feels as if the author was trying to ‘fill up' space.


A specific problem is discussed. The description of the problem, including its history and significance, is comprehensive, compelling and accurate. The indicators used to describe the problem are appropriate (i.e. the relevant metrics are used). Tables, charts, figures, etc. are used to supplement the analysis and not as space fillers. Redundancies are minimal. The policy prescriptions (or proscriptions) are logically connected to the problem and its causes (i.e. your solutions make sense).

A specific problem is discussed. The description of the problem is mostly comprehensive and accurate. A historical overview of the problem is provided but poorly developed. The indicators used to describe the problem are mostly relevant, though extraneous indicators are included. Tables, charts, figures, etc. are included, however, they do not add to the analysis. The policy prescriptions, though logically connected to the problem, appear generic and lack specificity.

A general problem is discussed. The problem is described poorly, and there is little, if any, overview of its historical evolution. The indicators used don't connect well with the problem (i.e. they are too broad or too specific, given the description of the problem). The problem's etiology is not evident or ambiguous. No policy solutions are described or the policy solutions are very generic and bear little relevance to the problem being discussed.

Both sections will also be graded with respect to the following:

Punctuation, Grammar and References:

Please try to use an established reference convention (e.g. APA). It is also important to proofread the paper with fresh eyes to minimize errors in grammar, diction, syntax, spelling, etc.

Intangibles (the "Gestalt") - the paper's feel, flow, and cogency.

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Dissertation: Major descriptive indicators or characteristics are
Reference No:- TGS01707258

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