
Major approaches to dealing with possible threats

Question1. The designers of Prolog made a number of implementation decisions designed to give a simple, fast execution model. Illustrate three implementation decisions.

Question2. In Logical Reasoning Systems, a production system can be executed with a Theorem Prover, using resolution to do forward chaining over a full first-order knowledge base. But, a more restricted language can provide greater efficiency since the branching factor is diminishes. Illustrate three features of typical production system.

Question3. The Conflict Resolution Phase can be thought of as control strategy, illustrate four kinds of such strategy.

Question4. Illustrate what “downward solution” is.

Question5. Illustrate what “Multiple Inheritance” is in semantic network systems.

Question6. STRIPS operators in “Representations for actions” comprise three components. Name all components, together with a small explanation.

Question7. Name the 3 major approaches to dealing with possible threats, when planning with partially instantiated operators.

Question8. Describe what is “back-jumping” and “dependency-directed backtracking”?

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Software Engineering: Major approaches to dealing with possible threats
Reference No:- TGS07286

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