
Maintaining the project vision and product goals

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1.1 When you become (or perhaps already are) the manager of a software project you will find that experience to be one of the most challenging and most rewarding endeavors of your career. You, as a project manager, will be (or are) responsible for

(1) delivering an acceptable product,

(2) on the specified delivery date, and

(3) within the constraints of the specified budget, resources, and technology.

In return you will have, or should have, authority to use the resources available to you in the ways you think best to achieve the project objectives within the constraints of acceptable product, delivery date, and budget, resources, and technology. Unfortunately, software projects have the (often deserved) reputation of costing more than estimated, taking longer than planned, and delivering less in quantity and quality of product than expected or required. Avoiding this stereotypical situation is the challenge of managing and leading software projects. There are four fundamental activities that you must accomplish if you are to be a successful project manager: Managing and Leadin

Software Projects, by Richard E. Fairley Copyright © 2009 IEEE Computer Society

1. planning and estimating,

2. measuring and controlling,

3. communicating, coordinating, and leading, and

4. managing risk.


After reading chapter and completing the exercises, you should understand:

• why managing and leading software projects is difficult,

• the nature of project constraints,

• a workflow model for software projects,

• the work products of software projects,

• the organizational context of software projects,

• organizing a software development team,

• maintaining the project vision and product goals, and

• the nature of process frameworks, software engineering standards, and process guidelines.

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Operation Management: Maintaining the project vision and product goals
Reference No:- TGS02038323

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