
Maintaining professionalism and integrity


Making sure that people understand that they are participating willingly is extremely important. If someone feels that they are being pressured into completing a survey they may feel as if they have to respond one way or another making the research invalid. It could also skew results when forcing someone ot do something they do not want to do. In the teaching field it can be seen. If a student does not really buy into the assignment then the work they turn in will be reflect it. This is the same for someone who may fell forced or compelled to partake in the research. The same thing goes when maintaining confidentialy of participants. If a participant knows that their identify will be hidden then the end results will become more valid. This is because they have the opportunity of being honest and knowing that some people who could become mad may see it. At the end of the day when being a far and honest researcher it is important to maintain professionalism and integrity. It these are broken than the research becomes not usable and it could end up with not being taken seriously in the professional world.


(2011) Code of Ethics. Educational Researcher, 40 (3), 145-156. doi: 10.3102/0013189X11410403

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