
Maintain a multi-media journal

Multi-media journal:

Students are to maintain a multi-media journal and must submit an entry (or entries) totalling 1000 words (±10%) for assessment.

Each journal entry should relate a media item or politics-related media event to one or more of the unit topics.

In a good journal entry you would:

Introduce the theory or argument on a unit topic;

State your agreement or disagreement with that theory or argument;

Draw on a media item (e.g., a newspaper, broadcast, Internet or social media news item) or politics-related media event (e.g., Twitter discussion, media inquiry, change to a media organisation or collapse of a media model) as evidence for your position; and,

Discuss why your media item or event is relevant to the theory and how it justifies your position — that is, discuss the item or event in relation to the theory and your position on the theory.

In brief: state a position on a unit topic, use your example as evidence for that position, and clarify how the example is relevant to the topic and your position.

The multi-media journal is an ongoing exercise that is intended to get you thinking about the unit content in relation to everyday news events and reporting. However, you will submit only 1,000 words of the journal for assessment. You may submit 1 x 1000 word entry or 2 x 500 word entries. It is not recommended that you submit entries under 500 words in length. Entries less than 500 words are unlikely to address the four points above.

Obviously, you could simply write one or two journal entries, submit those and be done with the task. That’s fine. However, practice makes perfect, so it is recommend that you make regular entries and submit your best one or two.

Maintain the journal offline in a word processor document. (HyperText Markup Language documents are also fine.)

You may embed content such as images, YouTube videos and hyperlinks into the document if they add value to the work.

All source material must be referenced using in-text hyperlinks or traditional Harvard, in-text citations. All source material should have an accompanying entry in the reference list. The assessor must be able to locate your source material easily.

The multi-media journal may be submitted to the CloudDeakin dropbox at any time throughout the trimester but no later than Monday 29 September 2014.

Students may choose to have their tutorial or CloudDeakin participation assessed in lieu of the multi-media journal. Students who choose this option will have their participation assessed against all Unit Learning Outcomes with the exception of written communication.

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