
main objectives of the assessment the aim of

Main Objectives of the assessment 

The aim of the assessment is to develop a Visual Basic console application that performs a number of mathematical functions. The mathematics package will be menu driven, i.e. a number of options will be displayed, and the user will be able to input what function of the package they want to run. On selecting a mathematical function to run, the program should then run that function, and then return to the main menu. 

Learning outcomes

(A) Knowledge and understanding See Appendix A. On successful completion of the module, students will know about the basic concepts of computer based problem solving, be able to develop and use simple data structures and have a firm grasp of algorithmic concepts. They will be introduced to problem solving techniques using computer packages and programming languages. 

(B) Cognitive (thinking) skills During the module, students will develop further the ability to formulate a solution to a problem in a systematic and logical manner. 

(C) Other skills and attributes (practical, professional and transferable) 

The module will provide the opportunity for students to develop their written communication and presentational skills. 

Description of the Assessment 

The mathematical package will consist of the following features. There are available for the program code part of the assessment, and for the verbal presentation. 

Menu : - The program should display a menu, with a user selectable choice for each part of program that has been implemented. The program should perform input validation (e.g. detect incorrect user entries and input) and also have an option to exit the program. On selecting a menu item, the appropriate part of the program should run, and the menu should then be redisplayed (unless exit has been selected). If a part of the program has not been implemented (e.g., Quadratic Equations), the program should simply display a short message, e.g. "Feature not implemented". 

Accuracy Option : - An option should be implemented to allow the user to specify to how many decimal places the numerical results should be displayed. This value should be restricted to a range between 1 and 5 decimals (inclusive). This accuracy option should apply to any numerical result (from the three mathematical features) displayed to the user. 

Quadratic Equation (mathematical feature) : - This part of the program should solve a quadratic equation of the form ax2+bx+c=0,see Appendix B. The user should input the values of a, b and c, and the program should display the values that x can take, i.e. the roots. Bonus marks will be given for handling cases where the roots are complex. 

A method for estimating the integral (area under a curve) of a simple function can be found in Appendix C. A description of which functions should be implemented will also be found in the appendix. This part of the program should implement this method, allowing the user to specify how long (number of iterations/number of random points) the method should sample for and then displaying the result for each of the example functions. 

Monte-Carlo Integration of a function (mathematical feature): - This part of the program should allow the user to enter a value, determine whether the entry is valid (an integer > 0) and then display whether the integer is a prime number or not. Any method of determining whether a number is prime or not may be used. The method should also display how long it took to determine whether the number was prime or not. 

Determining whether a number is prime or not (mathematical feature) : - This part of the program should allow the user to enter a value, determine whether the entry is valid (an integer > 0) and then display whether the integer is a prime number or not. Any method of determining whether a number is prime or not may be used. The method should also display how long it took to determine whether the number was prime or not. 

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Visual Basic Programming: main objectives of the assessment the aim of
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