
main entry and added entries of the several

Main Entry and Added Entries 

Of the several entries we provide for a document in library catalogue, one entry is called the 'Main Entry' and the remaining are known as 'Added Entries' or 'Additional Entries'. 

Main Entry is the basic entry. It is the entry in which all the essential information useful and relevant for the identification of a document is provided. AACR-2 defines a Main Entry as "The complete catalogue record of an item, presented in the form by which the entry is to be uniformly identified and cited". Ranganathan in his CCC says that Main Entry is the entry, which gives maximum information about a document. All other entries relating to the document are usually derived from the main entry. 

Added Entries are intended to help the user to find a document when his approach to the document is different from the one that-the library has preferred for its Main Entry. That is to say, the entries, which provide access points other than the main access point, are added entries. An added entry is a supplementary entry. AACR-2 gives a simple definition. It says an added entry is "An entry, additional to the main entry, by which an item is represented in a catalogue; a 'secondary entry". 

Classified Catalogue Code simply states that an added entry is an "Entry other than main entry". 

Suppose a library wants to enter books under the author concerned. But, a user searches for the book under its title. In such cases unless there is an additional entry for the book under title, the catalogue really will not be able to serve its purpose. 

Again, a person may write a book and another person is associated with the same work as Joint Author, Translator, Editor, Illustrator and the like. It is always better for us to make added entries for these different persons associated with the work known as collaborators. Of course, when the number of persons associated with the work is large, we may have to restrict the number of added entries. 

To meet the subject entry we will have to provide entries under subject headings appropriate to the document. Similarly, if a book belongs to an important series, an added entry is needed under the name of the series.   

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Humanities: main entry and added entries of the several
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