Topic: Explain the main difference in the styles of Chinese paper cutting arts between Southern region (eg. Canton, Fujian, Jiangsu province) and Northern region (eg. Shangdong, Shannxi, Henan province). Can you suggest any new application of paper cutting design in our modern daily life? Use pictures of paper cutting works as evidence to support your comparison.
Essay Structure:
1.Content List
2.Introduction: the purpose or intention of the essay, what to achieve this research.
3.Body: Detailed discussion with sub-headings. Please AVOID general discussion on the topic. The professor prefers detailed and specific discussion of the following aspects.
Compare the styles of paper cutting arts between Southern region and Northern region.
New application of paper cutting design in our modern daily life.
4.Conclusion: Any new discovery? Any new idea? Anything yet undissolved?
5.References: Harvard Style
Footnotes are MUST: Please add footnotes for some terminology that need explanation.
Graphs are also MUST.
Please refer to the Example that I have attached. Your essay should have similar style to the Example even though they are of different topics.
Word Count: 1925