
Main assumption of realism theory

Summarize the uploaded article and create three multiple exam questions (easy question, medium question, and difficult question). The summary has to be as points not paragraphs.  You can see the following example of how I want the summary to be. Only points for PowerPoint. See the three question as well at the last page, create three questions as them about the uploaded article.

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The summary of P66-72

Realism Assumption

o Pessimistic view of human nature

o Enjoy taking advantage of other and avoid domination by others

o Desire for leadership and will to power

o Power its immediate goal

o International relations are conflictual

o Anarchy; no world government

o State is the permanent actor and they are rational

o States are not equal

o Individuals, IGOs, NGOs, etc are unimportant

o International conflicts resolved by war

o Important states are power states

o Weak states are of a secondary importance

o Peace can be achieved by balance of power

o Values national security and state survival

o State is important essential for good life of its citizens and security

o Skepticism there can be progress in international politics

o No complete trust on other states

o International agreement are meaningless at the time of conflict

Classical Realism:

o Normative approach

o Thucydides

o IR is nothing but competition and conflict between states for domination

o States are unequal

o Inequality is a natural reality

o Man is a political animal

o Surviving can be achieved through adopting the reality of unequal power

o War happened when states fail to adopt to the unequally world

o There is a difference between private and states’ morality

o Machiaveli

o It is a theory of survival

o Power (lion) and deception (fox)

o Political goal is freedom and independence

o States have to seek advantage and defend its interests to survive

o Weak states expose themselves to war

o Act before others do (pre-emptive)

o states are the actors

o There is a difference between private and states’ morality (actors should not act based on Christian ethics )

Question One:

1. Realists believe that human has a/an

A. Pessimistic nature

B.Optimistic nature

C. Natural nature

D. None of the above

Question Two:

1. The following are the main assumption of realism theory except

A. Values national security and state survival

B. International conflicts resolved by war

C. Cooperation can be achieved in the long run

D. Skepticism there can be progress in international politics

Question Three:

1. Thucydides argues that

A. Man is a political animal

B. Power (lion) and deception (fox)

C. Weak states expose themselves to war

D. States have to seek advantage and defend its interests to survive

E. All of the above

4 Political benefits of the British influence Although the British Government of India had established a strong hold over the Trucial Coast” primarily to rid British shipping from danger in the Gulf, this turned out to be very much to the advantage of the British towards the end of the 19th century, when the empire at its zenith was threatened by France and Russia agreeing to curb British influence in the Gulf. While France tried to wrest the Arab States from British influence, Russia concentrated mainly on Persia. As previously in Napoleonic times, Oman was again the object of an Anglo/French diplomatic race for influence and the British ex-perienced several set-backs.'” Not so with the Trucial States, where hardly a foreigner who was not a British subject had set foot ashore.” The Rulers were easily persuaded to sign an agreement similar to the one which was signed by Sultan Turki bin Faisal in Muscat in 1891. In this treaty, which was signed by the Rulers of Abu Dhabi, Dubai, ‘Ajman, Sharjah, Ra’s al Khaimah and Umm al Qaiwain between 6 and 8 March 1892, they agreed on behalf of themselves and their heirs and successors “not to enter into any agreement or correspondence with any Power other than the British Government”. They bound themselves not to let a representative of another government reside in their territory and on no account to “cede, sell, mortgage or otherwise give for occupation any part of [their] territory except to the British Government”.45 These agree-ments were ratified by the Viceroy of India and subsequently approved by Her Majesty’s Government in London.

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