Final Project
Problem: A structure is formed by two slices of shell connected at the tip point and is pressed by a flat plate from above as shown in Fig. 1. The dimensions of the shell are shown in Fig. 2, and that of the flat plate is 40X40. The shell is made of plate-shell elements with a uniform thickness of 0.1 and isotropic elastic-plastic materials. For elastic materials the properties are E=200000 and Poisson ratio of 0.3. The plastic material properties are included in Table 1. The flat plate is of the same materials with a thickness of 0.2. The boundary conditions (shown in Fig. 3) are (1) two translational constraints, one in the vertical and the other one in the radial directions, at the bottom of shells; and (2) hinged on two sides of the flat plate in the initial step and move 10 units downward in Step 1. There is an MPC-Tie Constraint between two shells at their tip points. The Step 1 should have "Nlgeom" turned ON. Please perform the structural analysis to simulate the flat plate being pressed normal to the shell structure.
Yield Stress
Plastic Strain
Table 1 - Plastic Materials of Shell and Plate

Instructions for Generating Shell Part
- Generate a 3-point curve (icon option) with points and dimensions as defined (Fig. 2)
- Sketch straight line at end of the 3-point curve (with dimension as shown, Fig. 2)

Requirements of Stress Report -
The stress report should be in Microsoft Word format (font Arial, size 12, 1.5 line spacing), and include the following with a figure no. and title for each displayed chart:
1. Finite Element Modeling:
- Step-by-step short descriptions of the procedure on your definition of geometry, materials, section, boundary conditions, etc.
- FE mesh and size (mesh seed); explain how you determine the size for an accurate solution;
- Use no more than four charts to show and explain your model including the FE mesh.
2. Display of Results: (Use font Arial size 18 for Legend, Triad, and Title and State blocks to display your results)
- Distributions of displacement magnitude, von Mises stress, contact pressure, plastic strain (PEEQ) in views to be able to comprehend the shell structural response (more than one view is ok);
- In each plot please indicate the maximum values, e.g., maximum von Mises stress;
- No more than 16 charts total with a deformation scale factor of 10;
- The charts must be in color;
- Include two charts in each page of your report.
3. Result Discussion:
- Description of structural response;
- Discuss your results and findings in no more than two pages, e.g., how you see the structure responding to the contacting from your deformation, stress, contact pressure and PEEQ results. If your solution is not fully converged, please indicate how far your solution step (% of convergence) is, and try to explain why it is not converged;
- Share any additional finding or understanding.
The stress report should not exceed 15 pages including the cover page.