
Macroeconomics assignment- write a paper about unemployment

Macroeconomics Assignment

Choose one topic from the list and write a paper about the choosen topic.

1. Impact of Subprime mortgage-discuss rising and falling of the market in different regions
2. Examine the national savings/deficit rate of the USA and its impact
3. What is the effect of raising interest rate on loans?
4. Agriculture and the effects of global warming
5. Energy demands in China/India (or any other countries)
6. Fiscal policy
7. Status quo of macroeconomics in supply and demand
8. Unemployment rates in various states
9. What factors contribute the most to economic growth?
10. Justification of child labor
11. Developing nations and advancement of technology
12. Emerging economy in India/Brazil (or any other countries)
13. Legality of marijuana for medical purposes
14. Impact of Monetary Policy on Economic Growth
15. Impact of Monetary Policy on Industrial Growth

The paper should be 9 pages, double spaced,12 Font.


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Macroeconomics: Macroeconomics assignment- write a paper about unemployment
Reference No:- TGS02278051

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