
Macroeconomics analysis-neo classical growth model

Section A:

Question 1: Under what conditions does an economy realize steady state? In the neo-classical growth model describe how Golden Rule is distinct from steady state.

Question 2: Describe the basis on which the Lucas criticizes econometric modeling. What is the role of micro- foundations in Lucas critique?

Section B:

Question 3: Classify different theories of unemployment based on the possible responses of the firm.

Question 4: What is an IS curve? Describe how equilibrium in the real market can be presented via IS curve.

Question 5: Critically compute the endogenous growth theory.

Question 6: Describe the mechanism via which internal and external balance occurs under flexible exchange rate.

Question 7: Write short notes on the given:

a) Menu cost.
b) Non-accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment (NAIRU).

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Macroeconomics: Macroeconomics analysis-neo classical growth model
Reference No:- TGS02047

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