
Macroeconomic characteristics and condition of your

Question: The country approved for this project was england (see attached paper) This course project will focus mainly on England in regard to the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Your facilitator has confirmed one of your choices of country for your course project. Using the textbook, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research your selected country. In this course project task, research the following:

• Macroeconomic characteristics and condition of your selected country: Relevant metrics to investigate include GNP, GDP, GDP per capita, unemployment, inflation, foreign exchange rates, and international trade. You will probably find additional metrics of interest. You may need to conduct additional research to better present and discuss the information conveyed by each measure.

• Similar information on the United States for comparison: Using the same type of data as above, compare your selected country to the U.S.

In order to prepare your 22 -page research paper due in M5: Assignment 1, prepare a draft of this portion of your paper (See Attachment). You will not submit the paper in this module. It will form one component of the paper. Your paper will include tables with relevant data (which includes tables & Graphs) and a careful discussion that guides the reader through the tables and the conclusions that can be drawn from the tables.

In this course project task, research the following:

• Operations, marketing, and human resource considerations in your selected country

Using all the research you have done and the parts of the paper you have written, from the areas of research specified, you can include topics such as trade blocs relevant for your selected country and government incentives to global companies to do business in the country.

These are just two examples, and it is likely you will find a number of such issues that represent important and insightful information.

The project paper should have the following structure:

• Executive summary

• Macroeconomic condition

• Political and cultural environment

• Operations, Marketing, and Human Resource considerations

• Overall recommendation and risk assessment for making business investments into this country

Based on your facilitator's feedback, revise your paper. Revise the executive summary and add the risk assessment and recommendations section.

Submit your work in a 22-page Word document. Apply current APA standards for writing style to your work. All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

Information related to above question is enclosed below:

Attachment:- M1_A3.doc..rar

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Macroeconomics: Macroeconomic characteristics and condition of your
Reference No:- TGS02789143

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