
Macro-level social and economic factors

I have to make an 8 to 10 slide PowerPoint presentation explaining violence in the United States. Be sure to comprise the given and use academic sources or real-life empirical illustrations to accentuate and support your findings and presentation. The given questions to be answered are:

Explain the rates of violence (murder, aggravated assault, rape and robbery) in the United States and compare them to at least two other industrialized countries.

Describe some of the difficulties of comparing the crime rates across countries.

Explain some of the macro-level social and economic factors which distinguish the United States from other countries.

Describe some of the potential reasons for the United States' high violence rate in comparison to the other industrialized countries.

Describe which criminological theories might be used to describe the United States high rate of violence.

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Other Subject: Macro-level social and economic factors
Reference No:- TGS029522

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