
Macj-595 discuss the impact of the choice of methodology on

Discussion Question -

Instructions: Please read the assigned readings below and complete an essay review (initial post).

Your review should include an introduction, a body and a conclusion. The review should include the following:

1) a comprehensive response to the discussion question(s) below; and, (2) a brief critique of the reading.


After reading the assigned readings:

(1) Chapter 9 of course text;


Watch the video entitled, "Writing a methodology."

• Discuss the impact of the choice of methodology on the thesis. Discuss and evaluate the methodology you employed for your research

Oliver P.(2018). Writing your Thesis 3rd Edition Thousand Oaks, Los Angeles, CA: Sage

Proposed Methodology

The study will employ qualitative research design in which qualitative data collection methods will be used. Secondary data will be obtained through interviewing the officials in selected prisons and mental health centers. Secondary data will be obtained from records in selected prisons and mental health centers.

Upon completion of data collection, the data will be analyzed using SPSS statistical software and presented in charts and graphs.

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Dissertation: Macj-595 discuss the impact of the choice of methodology on
Reference No:- TGS02865648

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