
Macj-590you have learned how to collect data enter data

Written Assignment -1


1. You have learned how to collect data, enter data, code data and use data files provided to complete analysis. For this assignment you are to create a data file on your computer, collect some data related to your own thesis project. Then you are to code the data, enter and save the data file.

2. Use your textbook "Doing Data Analysis" and "SPSS 22 CD" and the data you collected related to your thesis to create a Bar Chart. For this assignment you will use the data set you collected for your own thesis project. You can follow the steps explained on pages 7 - 12 of your Doing Data textbook but use your own data.

3. Upon completing this assignment you should have one Bar Chart with the data related to your own thesis project. You are to write a short paragraph and use the instruction in Course Resources to imbed the paragraph on the same page under the bar chart to explain it.

Thesis Topic:

Gun Control: Measures that can be used to control the use and possession of guns in the United States.

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Dissertation: Macj-590you have learned how to collect data enter data
Reference No:- TGS02826653

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