
M34mkt- what brand personality are you using and why

Assignment: Global Brand Management

Assignment Support - Halcyon Days: Expanding the brand's geographic coverage

This assignment is an individual assignment.This assignment requires you to:

Write an individual report - please note no executive summary is required.

Halcyon Days has approached you to work with them as an external branding consultant. The company sells its products online worldwide and through concessions with luxury retailers.

They would like to employ your services as a branding expert to propose a branding strategy to support opening their first store outside the UK.

Focusing on one market of your choice, outside of the UK, address the following three questions. Questions carry equal marks. You are required to:

1. Analyse branding strategies over geographic boundaries to identify which approach in your view Halcyon Days should use to enter your chosen country. Provide recommendations on the brand strategy to support expansion and justify why you have proposed a particular approach.

This should be the longest part of your assignment - maybe 1200 words and include references to the literature or potentially a literature review. Based on a brief overview of your target market considerations could include the following:

• Which approach are you going to use and why - Local, foreign or global? Potentially refer to Steenkamp. Identify what you are going to standardize and adapt - think about the product as a luxury brand and also the target market.

• Are you using the country of origin effect? Why and how? Or why not? If so how will you use it?

• What brand personality are you using and why? Potentially look at Aaker and Millward Brown. Your choice here will inform your choice of brand elements for section three

• If you have space / words are you going to include brand extensions - if so why and how are they relevant to the brand and the target country?

2. Build a branding approach using the CBBE model for your chosen market.

This can be tackled in a number of ways- either you could use it in depth to really talk through your recommendations based on the reading or you could use it to summarise your recommendations from part one. You could create two models; for the brand in the UK and compare this with your proposed approach or just use it once to talk about recommendations for your target market.

3. Identify which brand elements to adapt and which to retain and again justify your choices. Support your discussion and recommendations with examples.

Referring back to your brand personality what are your choice of brand elements, are you retaining or adapting them and justify your decisions, ideally with evidence if you can include it. This section gives you the scope to be really creative and professional as long as you have completed the first two sections well. You can create images here if they support your ideas. If it is easier / uses less words you could create this as a table.

Create an individual poster

Your poster needs to present visually your suggested recommendations for Halcyon Days' overseas brand expansion.Your suggestions and recommendations must be supported by two or three key brand building theories. The poster will support your report and demonstrate your ability to fuse theory with a creative approach to branding.

You can use visual images and other means to illustrate your main suggestions (note: if using images from the Internet you must demonstrate that these images are not protected by copyright).


• Self-explanatory
• Make it really obvious which is your chosen market
• Include your name
• Marks for creativity and professionalism - show off if you have really creative ideas
• Not an assignment - not too text heavy
• Applied theory
• Choose the theories you are demonstrating - positioning, CBBE and personality
• A2 maximum - can be smaller.

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Business Management: M34mkt- what brand personality are you using and why
Reference No:- TGS02220510

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