
lymph -lymph is a mobile connective tissue


Lymph is a mobile connective tissue comprising lymph plasma (fluid) and lymphcorpuscles (cells).



(i)      Lymph Plasma -

It is similar to that of blood but has fewer blood proteins, less calcium and phosphorus and high glucose concentration.

Mainly globulin proteins are present which are actually antibodies.

Other components of the lymph plasma are very much like that of blood plasma, i.e., organic, inorganic sub- stances, water, etc.

(ii)     Lymph Corpuscles -

These are floating amoeboid cells, the leucocytes (white blood corpuscles), which are mostly lymphocytes.

Erythrocytes (red blood corpuscles) and platelets are absent in lymph.



Besides the lymph nodes, tonsils, thymus gland, spleen and Peyer's patches are the other lymphoidal organs that secrete lymph. Liver also produces lymph.

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Biology: lymph -lymph is a mobile connective tissue
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