

The firm's CEO would like you to recommend one of three countries, depending on the business retained, for international expansion. This will require you to research and assess pertinent demographic, economic, financial, political/legal, technological, and cultural factors of the three countries. Observe trends and make meaningful comparisons in an effort to identify the country having the most market and profit potential. Be sure to explain the rationale supporting your recommendation. Note key statistics or trends that impacted your decision.

ATV's LED TV's Luggage Writing Tools
South Korea Japan
Germany Italy
South Africa
Ireland India

In an effort to keep this project manageable, limit your discussion to variables you believe will have the most impact on sales, profitability and long-term viability. Please include at least one quantitative indicator of political risk. Some areas you may want to consider include:

Consumer market size, ability to afford, ease of reaching the target market, etc.
Industry size and growth rate in each country, key competitors, market share etc.
Political risk, corruption and government stability indicators
General information such as geography, people, economy, communications, transportation, and/or transnational issues that may influence sales/profitability.

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Business Management: Luggagewriting
Reference No:- TGS0944634

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