Luggage is transported from one location to another in an airport by a convey or belt. At a certain location, the belt movesdown an incline that makes an angle of 1.7° with the horizontal. Assume that with such a slight angle there is noslipping of the luggage. Determine the frictional force, including sign, by the belt on a box weighing 60 N when the box is on the inclined portion of the belt and the belt speed is(a) 0 and constant, (b) 0.65 m/sand constant, (c) 0.65 m/s and increasing at arate of 0.16 m/s2, (d) 0.65 m/s and decreasing at a rate of 0.16 m/s2, and(e) 0.65 m/s and increasing at a rate of 0.53m/s2. Take the positive direction to be up the incline.