1. Determine young''s modulus using first 20 data points
2. Determine yield strain and yield stress based on -0.1 offset
3. Determine max(or min) stress.
4. Determine toughness
Display all above properly
On single graphm draw followings
5. Draw graph of original data with blue *
6. Draw initial regression using first 20 data points with red
7. Draw -0.1 offsetted regression line with green
Have another graph.
8. Draw 10 original data points around intersection with blue *. (for example, if intersection happens between data 60 and 61, plot original data from 56-65)
9. Draw line between two original data points before and after interseation with red line (for example, datat points between 60-61). Only between two data points
10. Draw offsetted regression line using 10 data points above with green line (for example, 56-65)