
Lst of functional requirements from phase 1 srs section 3

Phase 2

Each group will need to identify high level use cases based on section 3 developed in Phase 1 and draw use case diagrams accordingly. An updated Issue list (Appendix C) must also be generate as a part of Phase 2 submission. For each individual, the focus will be on developing one expanded use case, one level 2 dataflow diagrams and requirements validation (resulting development of tests) for the use case, plus discussion on the implementation of one of the non-functional requirement documented in Phase 1 and its validation (please note that members of the group should work on different use case and non-functional requirement).

You should identify and test at least 3 and up to 6 scenarios for your use case

Clearly there needs to be consistency between the individual work and the group document (and also other group member's work). The group collectively should ensure the quality of the integrated overall document for phase 2 submission. As to the individual work, it is appropriate for group members to work together and share their ideas about how various elements should be done, but it is important to recognise that each member is responsible for their own assigned uses cases (expanded use case, test cases and level 2 DFD) and non-functional requirement.

As a reminder, Phase 2 deliverables are as follows:

Each group will produce one document as the result of this phase.  The document should include:

Title page: SRS Supplementary Submission (should identify the document and its authors)

Part I: Group work

  • List of functional requirements (from Phase 1, SRS section 3)
  • List of High-level Use cases (trace back to the functional requirements listed above)
  • Use case diagram (break down to actor based diagrams as necessary)
  • System data flow diagram (updated level 1 DFD from phase 1): Each level two DFD will be checked against this diagram for consistency.
  • Updated Issues List (as this is a dynamic list of the open requirements issues that remain to be resolved, it should be updated as necessary).
  • Reflection on team work. A short report (1 page) on team work, including characteristics of effective teams (with references), evaluation of your team rule against those characteristics, and a reflection on your team performance throughout this project.

Part II: Individual work - Needs to be done for me

For each member of the group:  Your name

Selected primary essential use-case:

Use case name

Expanded use case description

Level 2 Data flow diagram

Test cases for normal scenario and key variations (Variations that are likely in reasonable circumstances).

Selected non-functional requirement

Non-functional requirement

Requirement description

Implementation strategy

Testing strategy

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Dissertation: Lst of functional requirements from phase 1 srs section 3
Reference No:- TGS02304423

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