
Ls privacy essential for functioning democracy

Discuss the below:

Review the Citizen four Discussion Guide by LouraPoitras

1. How much did you know of the Edward Snowden case before watching CITIZEN FOUR? How did the film change/inform your opinion of the case?

2. Do you think Snowden hod more of a moralresponsibility to uphold the oath he'd taken when accepting his role at the NSA. or tothe American people in revealing wha the perceives as wrong doings against them?Would youlabel himatraitor orpatriot? Discuss.

3. Are you concerned with "beingwatched" when you ore online. speaking on a telephone. or conducting any sort of publicly visible business? Doyou self-policeyourself online. remaining cautious of which words you type into a search engine. etc.?

4. What are the societal implications when personal privacy is forfeited? ls privacy essential for functioning democracy?

5. What. if any,charges shouldbe brought against Snowden? Should he be punished? In your opinion.did he do anythingwrong?

6. If you were inSnowden's shoes. wouldyou have decided to remain anonymous or revealed your identity? If Snowden had remained anonymous. wouldthe case have mode such animpact?

7. As Snowden stated.the media loves personalities.Why do you believe this isandwhat hos brought this about? Discuss.

8. If you livein a democracy do you think your rightto free speechis infringed upon at all? Ifyou do not liveino democracy, how free ore you to express your political opinions?

9. How is privacy equated with liberty and freedom? How important is your personal privacy to you?

10. What level of surveillance should governments be allowed over their citizens? When is the "protecting against terrorism and security" line crossed and personal privacy infringed upon?

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Other Subject: Ls privacy essential for functioning democracy
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