Question 1: Distinguish between the high frequency and low frequency compensation.
Question 2: Draw the block diagram of the monochrome TV receiver and describe each part.
Question 3: What do you mean by the term direct coupled video amplifier? As well describe its major features.
Question 4: Describe the fundamental principle of AGC and exhibit how it is applied to the tube and transistor amplifiers.
Question 5: Describe with circuit diagram how the high voltage pulse induced in output transformer windings, are employed to produce EHT supply.
Question 6: Write brief notes on: TV studio and VHF tuner.
Question 7: What do you mean by the term image rejection ratio? Describe how by giving an RF amplifier, image signal rejection is very much minimized.
Question 8: What are the advantages of employing an RF amplifier before the frequency converter?
Question 9: What are the necessary functions that are assigned to IF section of the receiver.
Question 10: What do you mean by inter carrier sound system. Where and how is the inter carrier sound signal separated from video signal?