
Louise is a stay-at-home mother who sometimes babysits the

Understanding Crisis

Part 1: Review the following case scenario:

John and Louise have been married for nine years. They have three children ages 8, 7, and 5. John is 29 and Louise is 28. John works full time to support the family. Louise is a stay-at-home mother who sometimes babysits the neighborhood children to supplement the income. The family is actively involved in their religion. This is both John and Louise's first marriage.

John discloses to Louise that he has been questioning his life lately. John reports that on business trips he has started drinking, which is against church law, and is using tobacco and illicit drugs on occasion. John is not sure that he wants to remain a member of the church and is uncertain that he wants to remain married. Louise, still very active, asks that they meet with a church leader to discuss. John is excommunicated from the church. Louise and John decide that they can no longer remain married. The couple disclose the situation to their children, who are unaware of any marital conflict. John moves out for a month, moves back in to try to make it work, and then moves out again with no further discussion with the children.

Louise, now responsible for the livelihood of herself and her three children, determines that she needs to find full-time employment and return to finish her college education. Groceries and financial assistance are sought through the church. Childcare is now needed for the children when Louise is at work/night school. Louise is experiencing difficulty sleeping and is always on edge. The children are beginning to show symptoms of emotional and behavioral distress.

Part 2: Write an essay describing the following:

  • Identify the person/people in crisis.
  • When and why did this become a crisis?
  • Describe what your personal response would be to this crisis if you were assigned to the case as a crisis worker.
  • Apply the helpful characteristics of a crisis counselor that you possess to how you would intervene.
  • Describe any characteristics that you would need to develop in working on this case and why this would be important.

Discuss and cite at least two of the assigned readings for Module 1. Your paper should be two to three pages in length with documentation and citation formatting per CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.

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Dissertation: Louise is a stay-at-home mother who sometimes babysits the
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