Write a program to test for the case of a math equation entered via the keyboard using the SWITCH-CASE operator.
Types of equations to test for: x + y x / y x * y and x - y.
The program is to ask for the following:
1. Get the equation from the keyboard. For example entered : 10 + 7 or x + y
2. Test case of the equation. For example is would be: case '+': (Save the variables x and y in and array.)
3. Display the equation of the case inputted from the keyboard and its calculated solution on the computer screen
4. Also include a case for an unknown operator.
5. And perform the unknown mathematical operation entered in another part of the program.
Example: (x + y) * (x * y)
or x + y - (2 * y) + 4
These would have to be treated as a string and broken up into pieces.
You would have to test each character in the equation entered to perform the math.
You would be creating a simple calculator.
Other case routines could be used also for more complex equations.
6. Loop the program using a WHILE LOOP to get the next equation to be tested and repeat the process.
7. You may use a program from the book and modify it for the requirements requested in this assignment.
Written Report:
a. Will contain a listing of the program.
b. Will contain a Screen-Print image(s) of the data displayed on the PC's screen.
c. A printout of the text file saved on the disk file must be included.