Looks at the effects of Galerucella on Purple loosestrife. You should formulate a hypothesis based on some of the information you already know in order to create a prediction on the outcome of this predatory relationship i.e. Does Beetle predation (beetle density) lead to reduced inflorescence? For the sake of time you will only be looking at a single variable of your choice in order to support or refute your null hypothesis. Determine if there is a correlation in your data set Critical r value below:
You will provide an abstract, introduction, sampling design (protocol), results and statistical analysis, including any relevant graphs and figures as well as a discussion with all applicable sources of error. You should create this report as if you actually went out and completed the field work yourself. You can draw on some of the experience you already have regarding sampling bias and estimating population density.
Report should be formatted like a Scientific Journal including references as required. Feel free to be creative. You may use the Bastlov and Kvet 2002 paper as an example.