Looking for Income Statement and Balance Sheet for the Better USA, Inc. company for 2010 and 2011
Facts: Sales 11,573 (2010) and 12,936 (2011) - Depreciation 1,661 and 1,736 - Cost of goods sold 3,979 and 4,707 - Other expenses 946 and 824 - Interest 776 and 926 - Cash 6,067 and 6,466 - Accounts receivable 8,034 and 9,427 - Short-term notes payable 1,171 and 1,147 - Long-term debt 20,320 and 24,696 - Net fixed assets 50,888 and 54,273 - Accounts payable 4,384 and 4,644 - Inventory 14,283 and 15,288 - Dividends 1,411 and 1,618