Choose one of the two topics below to use for this discussion. Please make sure your initial post is 2-3 paragraphs in length. Feel free to use supporting documentation (other resources) as well.
Option 1
Several Web sites contain strategies for improving memory. These strategies all rely on elaborative encoding techniques. Conduct a search on the Web to identify some of these sites. Discuss some of the memory enhancing techniques that the sites suggest. How they are related to elaborative encoding? Do you think the technique you described would be effective?
Option 2
Look up "Doogie mice" on the Web. These mice have been genetically altered so that they express a particular gene that plays an important role in memory. As a result, the mice remember better, and therefore seem smarter. What is your impression of the "Doogie mice?" Could this hold the answer for creating smarter humans? Is this something that warrants further study, in other animals or eventually humans?